Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The day went well for me and I hope for you as well!  The only person missing was my son.  I hope he comes next year.
This is also the day that I begin to develop my 2017 calendar, my word of the year and events that I want to attend or accomplish.
The 2017 calendar is filling up quickly.  I have the months listed in my notebook, my guidebook and my pinterest calendar.
My word of the year is a theme for the year.
The events guide what I want to do throughout the year.
Next week, on January 1, 2017 I will share all and grade myself on how did from what I wrote on my blog last year.
This year will be better!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Let's Salute the Week

This week will hold the last few days of school for the 2016!  Wow!

School, teaching has been interesting and not quite what I would like to accomplish this year.  I am praying for a new year.

I had a dream last night that I was holding a new baby.  According to dream analogies I want to start new beginnings,

So for those of you who off this week, have fun!  Those of us that have a few more days, we'll get through it!

The new year is coming!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Deadlines, Data, Evaluation and Oh Yeah Teaching!!

Deadlines, Data, Evaluation and, Oh Yeah Teaching

Today, I did all of that and still have deadlines to meet before tomorrow morning.  I have list of  accommodations that I need to turn into to the Site Assessment Leader.  I have been promising that poor woman the list for over a week now.  
In addition, the progress reports are due tomorrow.  I have a re evaluation to complete by Thursday morning.  Today, the administration team came in while I was administrating one of the test and the paraprofessional in the class worked with the students. 

Two of the mild moderate teacher met with me so I could makes sure that we were on the same track, they didn’t need help and they remembered that the progress reports were due tomorrow.  Now I need to write up my notes, send them to the teachers and adminsteremtion because I need to make sure that they have been completed.  

Teaching, oh yes, I did some of the at today.

Did I mention that three administrators come in at the same time? One had a laptop, one took pictures and the other looked around!

I am very thankful that the paraprofessional who works in my class, cleaned the room on Friday.  I was sick all weekend!

Oh well!  This is why I became a teacher and thank goodness for technology!  It will all get done!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Let's Salute the Week

Let’s Salute the Week!!

This week ended with me leaving work early because I had a bronchial cold and flu. My husband bought me the medicine I needed, an inhaler, congestion cold medicine, and Tylenol.  In between tending the fire and reading books, I thought about some things.

Presentations for Professional Development:
There are two webinars that I have presented for and one for and Australian educational website.   Right now I am working on some new presentations to pitch online.  One of them will be online in the new future.  Consequently, I will share it when it is completed.  If you have any ideas, please share them in the comments. 
Technology in the Classroom

This is my passion, but you wouldn’t know it by my classroom.  This is my  PASSION!

Technology is something that is new and it is new every day .  Our children need to learn how to be global citizens. We need to learn how to use technology and we need to teach our students how to be global citizens.  We need to use technology to close the achievement gap. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Achievement Gap

The “achievement gap” in education refers to the disparity in academic performance between groups of students. The achievement gap shows up in grades, standardized-test scores, course selection, dropout rates, and college-completion rates, among other forms in which success is measured.

The achievement gap is a problem, no doubt about it, a very serious problem in education.  What is the cause of this problem?  According to several sources, the achievement gap is the result of:

            a.  cultural relevance understanding within the school community
            b.  performance of the school as a whole
c.  socio economic status of the school location
            d.  location of the school in the district
            e.  quality of the educator

 As I listened to my co workers speak at oue meeting today, I became more and more upset.  There were countless references about how tests, curriculum and other school materials were not made or relevant to “our children”, but they weren’t referring to all of the students at the school.  They were referencing the African American children at the school. Our school is so much more than that, we have over 20 difference cultures represented at our school.  We mirror the population of the United States which currently illustrates how the nonwhite population has increased by 1.9 percent to 116 million, or 37 percent of the U.S. The fastest percentage growth is among multiracial Americans, followed by Asians and Hispanics ( Our school has about 37%, probably higher, of African American scholars, followed by non white hispanics, Native American, Muslim etc. .  . down to less than 1% of white scholars.

The staff at this school seemed to represent the population of the school, which I thought was great.  It also isn’t a red school (a low performing school), we are thin sliver away from green (a good school).   In addition to a such an ethnic difference among the staff, there are male teachers at kinder level.  Granted the male is a special educator, but still we have male teachers in the general education classroom as well.  Finally, a school where the staff and the scholars mirrored one another.

However, when there is talk of cultural relevance, the reference is African American vs White, not Muslim or Hispanic.  Nor is there any discussion of the individuals who are mixed and believe me there are several scholars who fall in this category as well. Little discussion of developing good teachers, just recruiting good teachers and hope they stay. As a result, only one part of the problem is discussed and addressed, the other issues are not mentioned.  If they are mentioned, it is only for a moment and no solutions are discussed.

This is a touchy issue!  How do we resolve the achievement gap? Obviously, there is a problem, but what is the solution.  Brown vs. the Board of Education illustrates without a doubt separate but equal is not equal.  It is up to us to make it equal, make it equitable to everyone.   My own opinion is that when we develop a relationship with our students and their families.  We can work on the achievement gap by working on relationships among our school community. Educators can work together. We can also work on closing the achievement gap by promoting, developing and PAYING good teachers all over the nation.

Standardized testing will not show or bring good teachers forward.  Time shows how good a teacher is based on their students achievements over the years.  Good teachers , who are present for the students, have good relationships with their students and educate their students are needed in all schools.  We as a nation need to promote this so our children, all of our children will be successful.


The Associated Press. (2013) retrieved from


Editorial Projects in Education Research Center. (2011, July 7). Issues A-Z: Achievement Gap.

Education Week. Retrieved December 6, 2016, from


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Salute the Week!!

The week has begun in a new month.  December is here and the holidays will beginning soon.  In addition, my family will not be together this holiday, for the first time and I am not sure how that will work out for all of us.


This month, my students and I will be celebrating the following holidays: Hanukah, Kwanza, and Christmas.  It is always interesting to me that Hanukah and Kwanza don’t always begin on the same dates each year.  Depending on how the calendar is situated that is when the holidays will be celebrated.  Last year Hanukah began in November and this year it won’t be until the end of December.

Old Colorado City

During Thanksgiving, we spend some time in Colorado Springs, CO.  We visited Old Colorado City, Fairview Cemetery and Bear Nature.  There was a German Bakery that we visited and some other areas.

Professional Development

I present my first professional development for my new school.  I am attaching the powerpoint.  If anyone would like the documents please let me know.
(copy and past link in search bar)

This is the outline for this week.  I really want to share it with all of you!