Teacher's Vacation
All teacher's look forward to the holiday vacations with a combination of dread, anticipation and relief. All three feelings are natural and if a teacher denies that they are looking forward to vacation without these emotions, (even a little bit) are less than honest.
The feeling of dread is because when they return special educators need to take a baseline to see if there has been any regression. The return baseline is compared to the previous data collected to see if there has been any regression in learning. If there has been then data is collected to determine how long it takes to return the student to their state prior to the vacation.
Anticipation because, NO MORE SCHOOL, time to work on themes, vacation (rest) and time with family. Also, it give the students the same opportunity to help. It just time to exhale and reflect on how the year is progressing.
Finally, relief. Just time away, away from school and regroup.