Thursday, November 24, 2016

Teacher's Vacation

All teacher's look forward to the holiday vacations with a combination of dread, anticipation and relief.  All three feelings are natural and if a teacher denies that they are looking forward to vacation without these emotions, (even a little bit) are less than honest.

The feeling of dread is because when they return special educators need to take a baseline to see if there has been any regression.  The return baseline is compared to the previous data collected to see if there has been any regression in learning.  If there has been then data is collected to determine how long it takes to return the student to their state prior to the vacation.

Anticipation because, NO MORE SCHOOL, time to work on themes, vacation (rest) and time with family.  Also, it give the students the same opportunity to help.  It just time to exhale and reflect on how the year is progressing.

Finally, relief.  Just time away, away from school and regroup.

Personally I like this time, I am an introvert and I can work withought a low level anxiety.  This is something that I am working on because I know God is helping me to become more self confident and find my niche.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Professional Development in a PowerPoint

(c) Michelle Dragalin 2016

There are two powerpoint I need to prepare for the week after Thanksgiving.  One is regarding the roles and responsibilities of the General Education teacher regarding Independent Educationa Plans.  The other powerpoint is my submission to InnEdco.  I will show teachers how to utilize information regarding how request assistive technology in order to help a student access the general education curriculum.

It makes me feel good and a huge ego boost for me to have a chance to present these powerpoint as part of a professional development.  I am really looking forward to my submission to InnEdco, which hasn’t been approved but hope springs eternal.  I have submitted a a proposal to for money in order to attend. 

This is really exciting for me!!!

At this stage I am grateful to have a job.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

InnEdCO 2017

Innovative Education Colorado (InnEdCO) formerly TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION COLORADO, INC. (TIE) is a Colorado-based organization founded in 1986 by a group of teachers with a vision of hosting a conference focusing on the increasing role technology plays in education.

I attended this conference in the summer of 2015.  It was my first and only time, but I enjoyed it so much that I tried very hard to go again the next summer.  I even submitted a grant proposal through professional development.  I submitted a proposal, which was rejected.  My school would not fund me as I was not returning the next year.  You guessed it, I did not attend InnEdCo 2016. 

 I was so disappointed!
Espcially since the ISTE (The International Society for Technology in Education is a nonprofit organization that serves educators interested in better use of technology in education.)  would be part of the convention.


I have applied to be part of the selection committee for the proposals and I will be submitting my own proposals.

The last year I submitted and presented two webinars for Simple which services educators interested in better use of technology in education.  (See a theme here)  Stay tuned!! It will occur!!


Inspiring Digital Age Teaching and Learniing (2017) 

ISTE (2017)
